Love [ of ] Wisdom
Reimagining Philosophy, Life, and Society
“The love of wisdom needs the wisdom of love.”
—Shattering Silos (2022), 20.
True Religion?
How should we think about the ways religions fuel political conflicts? I propose a new view of religion and show both secularism and fundamentalism are flawed.
Longing for the Wholly Other
Brutal warfare and unrelenting strife can drive us to despair. Yet all of us are called to be peacemakers in a robust sense: called to be co-creators of shalom.
Unfriending: Digital Capitalism
What sort of society fosters genuine friendships? Not digital capitalism: it sucks up personal identities and attachments, the very lifeblood of friendship.
Can companion animals like my dog Ruby be our friends? After reflecting on what friendship is and why it matters to us and society, I conclude that they can.
Precious Mess: Democracy
Democracy in the United States is not genuine. We have democratic deficits in politics, culture, and economy. So, we’re in a crisis, and populist tyranny looms.
Waking Nightmare
Plato warned about Donald Trump. I explain this warning, discuss Trump’s recent indictments, and urge democratic citizens to resist his authoritarian populism.
The lively arts center that I helped create in the 1990s has been acquired by Calvin University, where I taught philosophy. I reflect on UICA’s recent demise.
Critical Hope
To pursue social transformation, we need Dr. Martin Luther King’s critical hope. It points to shared societal principles and envisions a life-giving society.
Common Ground
Canadians and Americans mark national birthdays in July. Amid culture wars, do we share anything worth celebrating? Yes. We all expect solidarity and justice.
Simple Gifts
A recent camping trip makes me wonder, Why are we all here? As Molly Worthen shows, the same question nags universities today. A good philosophy should help us say why.
Shattering Silos
Silos of specialized expertise keep philosophy from countering post-truth politics. It is time to open them toward social critique and social-ethical wisdom.
Burning Down the House
Overly specialized and isolated, philosophy looks like an archaic ruin. To offer genuine insights for a post-truth society, it needs creative reconstruction.
Philosophy with a Human Heart
To resist cynicism and legalism, we need to do public philosophy with a human heart, one that cares about what matters most. Our dogs can help us learn how.
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